• DocPath offers a quick and agile integration with Eclipse BIRT and dramatically increases the processing capabilities, output formats and distribution of this software.

Madrid, May 23, 2013DocPath, a leader in document management, has launched an advanced integration system that allows users of BIRT to benefit from the many features that their solutions offer.
BIRT (Business Intelligence and Reporting Tool) is a top-level software project that is part of the Eclipse Foundation, an open-source community leading the development of the Eclipse platform. The BIRT project provides a very efficient solution for designing and generating business documents for Eclipse users. However, BIRT has some limitations for businesses that need to generate specific output languages, or wish to distribute their reports among its employees and customers.

It is precisely in these areas, of document generation and distribution, where DocPath‘s document management software complements the BIRT project to perfection. In the words of Julio Olivares, president and founder of DocPath:

By offering a simple and rapid integration with BIRT, DocPath enables users of this software to dramatically expand BIRT functionality and take advantage of the wide variety of features and services offered by DocPath‘s document management solutions.

Among the many advantages obtained from DocPath‘s integration with BIRT, the main benefits are a much wider range of output formats? — including AFPDS — , post-processing of data and multiple distribution options, such as printing, email, fax and Web publication. Moreover, BIRT users will be able manage their software without actually needing to know Eclipse, because, on the one hand, DocPath offers support to BIRT users, and, on the other hand, DocPath software includes visual design and document management tools that are very straightforward and easy to use.

In addition, it is important to highlight that a company´s business documents, whether they have been designed and built using Eclipse BIRT or DocPath, will automatically be integrated into DocPath‘s process flow. As such, users will be able to continue using their already implemented software, but with an optimized workflow thanks to the improvements made ??as a result of the integration.

Likewise, DocPath, a company with more than 20 years of experience in the area of document management, remains committed to further development of software tools for the design, generation, presentation and processing of documents. DocPath´s goal is to continue to launch solutions according to the market needs. For this reason, companies that choose to integrate their BIRT software with DocPath, will greatly benefit from their decision and ensure full compatibility with current and future operating systems and databases. As such, the DocPath-BIRT integration is an excellent alternative for companies that want to drastically improve their functionalities and sustainability.