MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDBy SQLite, the five most used database managers and their main characteristics

Most applications, websites, blogs, etc., are continuously storing the data that users and companies record when using these platforms. This data is recorded in a database thanks to a database management system.

A database manager is a software that allows you to store and retrieve data and information in a simple, fast, practical, and efficient way.  Database management systems are displayed through a graphical interface between the database and end users or applications, offering consistent organization and easy access to data. In this way, any user is able to create, read, delete and update the data that is included in these systems.

Below are the top five most commonly used database managers today along with their features:

1. MySQL

The MySQL database manager is currently the most common, as it is based on open source. It is a relational management system, that is, it uses multiple tables that connect to each other to organize and store information correctly. In addition, it uses the PHP programming language.  This manager, typical of Facebook and Twitter, stands out for its efficiency, reliability, and ease of use.


  • Client/server architecture: MySQL bases its operation on a model in which clients and servers are communicated with each other differently so that performance increases. One of the functionalities provided by this manager to the client is the ability to make queries through the registration system in order to work with the data.
  • SQL compatibility: with the SQL language being widespread within this computer sector, MySQL is fully compatible with this language. In this way, any user who has previously worked with another database engine will be able to migrate without any complication to MySQL.
  • Stored procedures: MySQL offers the possibility to increase the efficiency of the implementation without the need to process the tables directly. Instead, it uses stored procedures.
  • Cross-platform support: This data management system is compatible with any operating system, from Windows and Mac OS to Solaris, Linux and FreeBSD. Thus, all computers are able to execute it.

2. Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database manager developed by Microsoft that serves a wide variety of software applications dedicated to business intelligence and the analysis of corporate environments.

It is based on the structured SQL query language, but is linked to Transact-SQL(T-SQL). On the other hand, your application can run both on-premises and in a cloud environment.


  • Visualization on mobile devices: this system allows the easy integration of a database management system with any mobile device, obtaining better performance and analysis capacity on the data.
  • Data encryption and compliance: In recent years, SQL Server has been recognized as one of the most secure managers thanks to its data protection, classification, and monitoring system.
  • Ease of use: The SQL Server application is defined by its easy access. Therefore, many programmers have opted for this database manager for their web development projects.

3. PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is an open source, object-oriented relational database management system considered the ideal business choice. Its power, its wide functionality and its commercial flexibility make this database manager capable of replacing other more well-known and popular ones.

Some of the main possibilities that PostgreSQL grants is the support of transactions, triggers, views, subselections and sophisticated blocking, in addition to availability on different platforms.


  • Support for multiple types of data: while PostgreSQL offers the most common data types like any database manager, this system also provides others not so frequent in competitors, such as IP addresses, MAC addresses, Arrays, geometric figures, decimal numbers with configurable precision, etc.
  • Object/relational: allows you to work with data as if it were objects, offering functionalities and mechanisms for working with objects; for example, the inheritance of tables.
  • Support for a wide variety of languages: from Java and Python to C, C++ and PHP, PostgreSQL, are some of the languages that PostgreSQL is able to read. This way, you can work with internal functions that run on the server and are written in these programming languages.

4. MongoDB

MongoDb is the most widely used open source “non-SQL” database written in C++ around the world. In this case, it is a document-oriented system, that is, the data is stored in documents. This means that the fields present in documents can vary from one to another, as well as the structure of the data may change over time. However, this manager offers high scalability, flexibility and speed that differentiates it from the rest.


  • Great query syntax: MongoDB allows you to perform any type of query, such as field search, regular expression query, and range queries. These queries can return both a user-defined JavaScript function and a specific field in the document.
  • Indexing and replication: With this tool, users can create indexes, as well as manage and redo them. Another feature offered by MongoDB is the automatic replication of databases to ensure availability in the event of maintenance or service interruptions.
  • Load balancing: This database management system is characterized by workload scalability. MongoDB can run simultaneously on multiple servers, providing a load balancing or data replication service. This way, if a hardware failure occurs, MongoDB keeps the system running.

5. SQLite

SQLite is a complete SQL database system written in C language, autonomous, integrated and highly reliable. In addition, this data manager is in the public domain, that is, any person or user can use it regardless of the use you want to give it, whether commercial or private.

The concept “Lite” refers to the low weight of the database when talking about configuration, management, and necessary resources.


  • Single data file: By using variable-sized records that use only the required disk space, the database is stored in a single file.
  • Serverless: Unlike MySQL, SQLite does not need a server, as it works independently. This means that, in the second case, the database and the application run together, thus reducing costs in certain types of projects.
  • Information migration: one of the most common functionalities among databases is the possibility of migrating from one to another. As SQLite supports multiple formats, it offers the possibility to organize data individually and allows export to be faster and less tedious.

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