Madrid, February 7, 2023 – The curious name of this programming language comes from the toponym Java, an Indonesian island. And what does this island have to do with computer science? Well, it turns out that in this island there are large coffee plantations, so java in English is synonymous with coffee. And as the programmers of this language drank a lot of coffee while creating it, they gave programming language that name (a little bit of culture does no harm).
Java is a computer platform created by Sun Microsystems back in 1995. Although much has happened since then, Java has evolved from its modest beginnings and has been a driving force in today’s digital world, as it is a reliable programming language in which numerous services and applications are developed.Hence, Java has evolved to more than a simple programming language.
In fact, Java has long been at the top of the TIOBE index, which measures the popularity of programming languages. Although many other languages have been created over the past three decades, Java’s reputation has never been tarnished.
Here are its advantages and uses.
Advantages of the Java programming language
Java offers significant advantages over other languages and environments, making it suitable for virtually any programming task.
- Java is easy to learn since it was designed precisely to be simple to understand and use. Therefore, it is easier to write, compile, debug and learn than other programming languages. Its syntax is simple and less complex than that of C and C++.
- Java is object-oriented, which allows creating modular programs and reusing code. This flexibility and ability to reuse objects increases security by grouping data and functions into a single unit that cannot be accessed from the outside world. It also helps organize larger modules into smaller, easier-to-understand ones.
- Java is platform-independent, i.e., it can run on any machine regardless of the operating system. The ability to run the same program on different systems is essential for developing products on the Internet.
- Java is a secure language. It mitigates security threats and risks by avoiding the use of explicit pointers, since a pointer stores the memory address of another value that can cause unauthorized access to memory. This problem is solved by eliminating the concept of “pointer”. Also, in Java there is a security manager for each application, which allows defining access rules.
- Java is inexpensive. Java programs are cheap to develop and maintain. They can be easily run on any machine, which reduces extra maintenance costs.
- Java is portable. It is a portable language because it does not depend on a specific platform. Portability is a great advantage of Java.
- Java enables the automatic collection of unused objects, i.e., those objects that programs no longer use are removed from explicit programming.
- Java is multithread, that is, it allows running more than one thread at the same time. A thread is the smallest unit of a process. This functionality helps maximize CPU utilization. The different threads share a common area of memory and increase the efficiency and performance of the application. These threads run independently.
- Java is more stable than other languages and a new version can be released very quickly and with more advanced functionalities.
- Java is a distributed language that integrates a mechanism for sharing data and programs among multiple computers, which improves system performance and efficiency.
After reading these “ten commandments”, it is easier to understand the prevalence of Java in the market. Its robustness, ease of use, cross-platform capabilities and security features make it the ideal language for delivering Internet solutions worldwide.
Uses of the Java programming language
Since Java is a versatile and free programming language, it has a multitude of uses:
- Development of videogames, both for mobile phones and computers. Its versatility also allows creating modern videogames that include advanced technology such as virtual reality.
- Cloud computing. Java is WORA (Write Once, Run Anywhere), making it the optimal solution for developing decentralized applications in the cloud. Cloud service providers choose Java to run programs on a wide range of platforms.
- Macro-data. Java is used in processing engines that can handle huge complex data sets in real time.
- Artificial intelligence. Java’s stability and speed help develop artificial intelligence applications such as natural language processing and deep learning.
- Internet of Things(IoT). Java is used for programming sensors and equipment into peripheral devices that can independently connect to the Internet.
Now that you are reading a blog on a web page, you may be interested in knowing that Java offers several advantages in this environment. No wonder it is so popular, because the Java programming languageadapts perfectly to all types of devices (tablets, mobile phones, computers), allows designing almost any element or application, helps create dynamic and attractive web pages using XML, and enables theintegration of sound and multimedia objects.
Unmet demand for Java programming language professionals
All of the above highlights the importance of having qualified profiles in Java programming, as well as in other languages. Demand exceeds supply. Let’s take Spain as a representative example. According to Infojobs, in 2021 the demand for IT positions increased by 21% and according to the Spanish Institute of Statistics, 47% of Spanish companies had problems filling vacancies in this area.
As of May 15, 2022, it was estimated that there were some 40,000 unfilled positions in the Spanish software development market, and it is estimated that 135,000 new specialists in the field will be needed in the short term.
It is therefore essential for society to be aware of the importance of programming languages in general, since, on the one hand, secure codes must be continuously created to combat growing cybercrime, and on the other hand, programming will become a new language, the new English.
Do you want to know more?
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