Delivery Notes

Delivery Notes

<div style="padding:8% 10%;text-align:center;background-color:white"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><h2 style="font-family: Raleway;color:#333;padding:0px;">Delivery Notes</h2><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --></div>

A delivery note is an important document that travels together with the merchandise to its destination. Creating a clear, well defined document that provides also resources for efficient and secure handling, conditions that a good delivery note must meet.

Our customers use the document software from DocPath to create and generate their documents to their complete satisfaction. A high-quality presentation can be obtained with the use of the correct text size and font style, and/or line and paragraph spacing.

Complementary DocPath document software for Logistics operators allow the post processing of delivery notes in a highly automated manner, providing important process improvements and savings.

Main Features

  • Transpromo / cross sale: inclusion of personalized promotional messages in the body of the transactional document.
  • Possibility of automatically processing the delivery notes by means of a bar code.
  • The template allows you to generate automatically delivery notes with the information required by each client.
  • Multi-channel and multi-language distribution in various formats (PDF, HTML5, printing) and channels (email, fax, internet, intranet).
  • Use of a single template to generate delivery notes with different images (eg logos) or colors. Very useful for a group of companies.

Target: Any organization

Several organizations have benefited from the acquisition of DocPath software to produce delivery notes.
Mainly companies come to us with the hope that we can automate their processes with a bar code in which information that allows correct tracking and processing to be included.

Therefore, some of our clients asked for the possibility of adding graphics and numbering that may offer extra support if for any reason the set of documents lose their correct sequence.

Download more information about DocPath and DocPath Solutions here

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