DocPath met all the requirements posed by the customer, providing an agile, powerful and easy-to-integrate document management solution.
One of the main challenges for any private financial institution is to render a better customer service, since increasing customer satisfaction is essential to stay among top financial entities.
A good example of this is one of Ecuador’s major private financial institutions, which currently has 400,000 customers and branches in 17 provinces across the country. Its objective consisted of providing customers with information related to their accounts and credit card transactions through its website at the end of each month.
Likewise, this entity considered the possibility of generating, by means of batch processes, files with information of all users, in order to print, distribute and send them to their homes.
Agile, Simple and Powerful Document Management System
Having agile, simple and powerful software capable of generating high-quality business documents was vital to attain its objectives. Besides, this new method could be adapted in case of further growth.In this sense, DocPath® Aspen™ and DocPath® High Volume Docs Generation™ were the response to all its requirements. The combined implementation of both solutions made it possible to install the new platform in 2013, thus satisfying all bank’s needs in a clear and categorical manner.
A New Document Management Software
DocPath® Aspen™: a comprehensive and powerful document management solution that provides all the features users require to manage their documents optimally. This software helps store data files, recover them through searches, and generate the desired output on demand.
DocPath® High Volume Docs Generation™: a document management solution that can print and process a huge amount of documents within a reasonable time, and allows carrying out post-process tasks automatically. This makes it easier to process vast amounts of data generated in batch mode with the aim of dividing and organizing data by customer, adding it later to the document management system, and generating documents. These documents can be ultimately printed or displayed in PDF format, both through batch generations and individual requests from the document management software itself.
By combining both document management solutions, the customer just has to store data files, which helps considerably reduce disk space. Additionally, an API built in DocPath® Aspen™ allows searching for a document via web, while several documents are generated from the same data. Therefore, just one file is enough to generate a summarized account statement or a comprehensive account statement including check images, depending on the type of document you want to see.
Better Customer Service
DocPath met all the requirements posed by the customer, providing an agile, powerful and easy-to-integrate document management solution. In this specific case, the solution was directly built in the customer’s host system and in the web.
At the end of the project, the customer was absolutely satisfied with a document management solution that was completely embedded into its applications, with room for further extensions.
Customer satisfaction also increased substantially as customers were provided with their personal information whenever they needed it, and last but not least, costs were strongly reduced.