Migrating to DocPath Technology

DocPath offers a quick, efficient and safe migration from legacy applications, such as R-Forms, IBM© InfoPrint® Designer, JetForm® (now called Adobe® Central Server), as well as non-legacy software, such as Control-D® from BMC Software Inc.


IBM® InfoPrint® Designer



DocPath Ontario Suite is a document software solution which offers customers that are still running Adobe Central (previously called JetForm and Accelio Central) document software a smooth and safe migration path through which all existing resources can easily be converted and applications do not require any modifications to continue normal operation. The wide array of new features, which were not included in the previous software, turn DocPath Ontario Suite into the ideal solution for document software migration.

IBM® InfoPrint® Designer

InfoPrint® Designer users are faced with a technological gap as their software is outdated and they are no longer receiving support and maintance services. With DocPath Boulder, these users have finally found the ideal solution to optimize their existing projects, since DocPath software not only covers the entire document life cycle, but also simplifies the document process in all phases.


Control-D®, developed by BMC Software, is a software product geared towards automated management of reports generated in mainframe and distributed systems. With DocPath´s Houston Suite document software solution, Control-D® software users are now able to smoothly and securely leverage the Control-D® with a state-of-the-art Output Management solution.


For all migration processes, from R-Forms, Control-D, JetForm Design, IBM AFP Utilities or IBM InfoPrint Designer, DocPath has a team of experts ready to assist and advise our customers at every moment during the migration, design and generation processes.

Disclaimer: DocPath trademarks are the property of DocPath Corp. CONTROL-D is a registered trademark of BMC Software, Inc., in the United States and other countries. IBM trademarks are the property of IBM Corporation. Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.