• DocPath Corp. offers its JetForm / Adobe Central Server software users the possibility to easily and securely migrate to DocPath solutions.
• Existing applications do not need to be modified, which means initial investments made are completely secured.
Madrid, August 28, 2012 — DocPath enables users of the software that is still commonly know as JetForm to easily migrate to DocPath software.
The software that is currently named Adobe Central Server, property of Adobe Systems Inc, was one of the first products developed specifically for the design and generation of business documents on desktop laser printers. However, its users are now looking for an alternative.
With DocPath, users can now migrate from their JetForm / Adobe Central Server environments to DocPath solutions without needing to redesign their existing forms.
Moreover, the migration process is semi-automatic, as DocPath software supports the data streams used in JetForm / Adobe Central Server environments. As such, DocPath completely secures previous investments made.
This transparency in all migration processes performed with DocPath software is one of the key factors of its success, as thousands of forms have already been successfully migrated to DocPath technology. Moreover, the process is extremely straightoforward, which turns DocPath into the best alternative to JetForm / Adobe Central Server software. Being an innovative and modern software, DocPath provides a wide variety of benefits to all types of users. For this reason, the conversion method is available to all JetForm / Adobe Central Server software clients.
The Portfolio of DocPath Solutions
DocPath solutions are developed for all kinds of companies, from small and medium-size businesses to large international organizations. DocPath clients receive state-of-the-art software that provides advanced design and generation features. Its technology allows organizations to meet their specific document management needs, as DocPath ensures that each of its solutions addresses the particular size and situation of each client and project.
Likewise, DocPath’s portfolio of solutions continues to grow as new features and technologies are being added, which allows companies using DocPath software to keep pace with the new developments in their sector.
Additional features for JetForm / Adobe Central Server users
DocPath offers JetForm / Adobe Central Server users the opportunity to work with a wide variety of new solutions and additional features. Among these new technical features are: generation of superior PDF files, electronic signature, dynamic 2D and 3D charts, support of current color technologies, 2D barcodes, label printer output, AFPDS output, etc.
The DocPath document generation process can be performed on a wide range of platforms (Windows, Unix [Linux, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris], System i y System z) and supports integration with different document managers on the market, such as Documentum, FileNet and Content Manager.
About JetForm / Adobe Central Server
Over the years, the software known in the ICT sector as JetForm / Adobe Central Server was renamed Accelio, and it is currently owned by Adobe Systems Inc. JetForm / Adobe Central Server was one of the first tools on the market that allowed for rapid printing of electronic documents by taking advantage of desktop laser printers capacities, among other applications. The JetForm forms product was very successful and was adopted by a large number of companies worldwide.