Save Printer Toner & Ink


DocPath TonerMist is specially designed to offer a solution to one of the principal challenges of any organization: drastically reduce high toner and ink costs. Controlling toner use and applying customized saving profiles to different devices.

The correct use of laser printing technology allows the use of toner to be reduced by a significant percentage without impacting the print quality of the documents.

The reduction is obtained by decreasing the amount of toner deposited on the paper but without impacting the surface that needs to be covered. In that way, the aforementioned saving is not perceptible by the users, but it diminishes the needs of toner, saving costs without impacting the quality and helps to protect the environment.


invert_colorsDrastic reduction of toner and ink use and waste.

integration_instructionsEasy integration with your current infrastructure.

list_altProvides a toner saving log for analysis of how much is saved.

dashboardIntuitive and easy-to-use interface.

percentAllows you to specify a fixed saving percentage depending on the user profile, department or printer.