The Most Efficient Way to Manage Your Printing Environment


DocPath PrintServices is a solution focused on optimizing printing services, allowing for easy organization, monitoring and configuration of a company’s printer network. For example, the printer network could be organized by departments or by branch offices. Monitoring could track all pages printing and the toner and ink savings on those pages. As for the configuration, it would be centrally managed from an easy-to-use web tool which enables you to easily set up any printer within the network.

By implementing the DocPath PrintServices document solution, companies can reap large benefits, such as optimization and compression of printing processes, toner saving, and remote printing of documents from any device.

This solution is composed of four applications that can seamlessly integrate with any architecture or device: DocPath TonerMIST, DocPath PrintSLIM, DocPath PrintApp and DocPath HPL.

Document solutions optimize the print services for companies.

invert_colorsDocPath TonerMIST

Toner savings

  • Drastic reduction of toner and printer ink usage and wastage.
  • Ability to specify a fixed percentage of toner savings according to the user profile, department or printer.
  • Toner savings log to allow in-depth analysis.

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printDocPath PrintSLIM

Optimization of a company’s print flow and print processing

  • Increased productivity and throughput of printing processes, especially in remote environments.
  • Secure transfer of print files.
  • Reduction of bandwidth costs required for document distribution and printing times.

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devicesDocPath PrintApp

Online document printing from any device

  • Printing of documents without opening the mobile application.
  • Ability to print to a wide variety of output formats (PDF, DOC, etc.).
  • Control of configured users and allowed document printers.

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wifi_tetheringDocPath HPL

Integration of different computers in a local subnetwork with a complete network

  • Optimization of document print job distribution across multiple nodes.
  • Integrated fault tolerance.

Discover more features and technical information.

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