This new way of signing all sorts of documents with a digital signature replaces the traditional signature: the autograph signature, i.e., the signature on paper

The global digital transformation and e-government in companies have changed the business dynamics. Organizations have had to adapt to the continuous technological advances and changes to achieve greater market share, as well as increased business profitability and productivity.

In this new technology revolution, one of the most frequent resources that is becoming more and more frequent among companies is the electronic signature.



What Is an Electronic Signature?

The electronic signature refers to the electronic data set accompanying or related to a certain information within a document or electronic data message. A data message is the total amount of information generated, sent, received, communicated and stored through any electronic device.

This new way of signing all sorts of documents with a digital signature replaces the traditional signature: the autograph one, i.e., the signature on paper. The use of computerized means to authenticate a document speeds up the administration and document management processes, eliminating steps and stages, the need for the user to be present in person and the expense of paper.

More and more companies are betting on electronic signatures in their business, with their associated digital certificate, since it is one of the simplest mechanisms to give authenticity to an electronic document, in addition to being a resource that brings great benefits to companies.



Advantages of Electronic Signatures

Implementation of electronic signatures in the business has the following benefits:


Cost Reduction

By incorporating the electronic signature in a business, the decrease in costs is clearly evident in the purchase of paper, pens, printers, toner, folders, etc., which implies great savings in the company’s overhead costs, allowing these funds to be invested in other key business processes.

Optimal Document Management

Document management efficiency increases considerably with the implementation of electronic signatures. On the one hand, time required to send and print documents and to search in physical archives is reduced. On the other hand, companies become more organized. As all documents are stored in the cloud, it is easier to access them, allowing any user to search and retrieve documentation from any device at any time.

Greater Mobility

To access the content of an electronically signed document, only one device is required, since the place and time are freely selected. Thus, administration of the electronic document is much more practical than a paper document. For instance, if the signature is paper-based and there are problems with the loss of documents, the process must be carried out from the beginning, forcing the person responsible for the signature to come in personally, among other things.

Increased Safety

One of the most relevant aspects of the e-signature is the impossibility of another user to modify or editing it. In contrast to paper, the electronic signature is fully protected; therefore, it is a reliable resource in its entirety.

Increased Company Productivity

Optimal management of an organization’s documentation leads to increased productivity of all its teams. By reducing the steps and stages for executing and receiving requests thanks to electronic signing, the company’s internal and external processes and tasks are accelerated. In this way, better results are obtained in shorter periods of time.

Improved User Experience

The customer always wants to receive the best possible experience, in other words, the less time you have to spend on any action with a company and the easier it is, the more satisfaction you will get. With e-signatures, companies that use this technology offer better customer service and, as a result, capture the attention of a greater number of customers, as well as customer loyalty. For the customer, it means an increase in convenience and security in all transactions.

Paper Disposal

The electronic signature is one of the solutions to the problem of excessive paper in a company. With this digital certification method, paper processes become sustainable electronic processes, helping the environment first hand.