An insurance company that has experienced important growth in business and has duplicated its client portfolio is undertaking a change in its corporate image. To face this change it has selected DocPath Remote Office Printing™ and DocPath Enterprise High Volume Docs Generation™ solutions.
The project consisted of a new batch printing system (continuous replacing on demand) and an online print management system for external associates. The technology encompassed hardware, software and archiving systems for mass printing business documents.
The DocPath solution that the customer selected
The benefits that DocPath offered could be summed up in two basic principles: time and money.
With DocPath Remote Office Printing™ the customer gained the ability to print online, on demand and in real time from office or branch networks. Designing, printing and distributing business documents (contracts, reports, receipts, policy statements, invoices…) in seconds is possible.
DocPath Enterprise High Volume Docs Generation™ provides the required modules to cover batch applications in a wide variety of formats, electronic as well as print, including: PCL, Postscript, AFPDS and PDF.
The customer calculated that performance of mass printing business documents increased 300%. And for complicated documents, productivity increased 40%. Optimizing generation time, as well as print time, were the key motivations for choosing DocPath.
Refer to the testimony of Reale Seguros (PDF)…