Madrid, March 23, 2023 – Today, many companies know that they must focus on innovation as a means of growth. And an indisputable way to innovate is to address the much-needed digital transformation and implement technologies that go in this direction.
One of the technologies that can help companies fully develop and enter the digital era is document software, which optimizes document processes. Since all companies handle documents, it can be said that all of them can benefit from the advantages of this type of technology.
In this sense, it is worth highlighting the “democratic” benefits of document software technologies. Their “democratization” stems from the fact that any company can take advantage of themby applying them to the most important business processes, namely invoicing, contracting, label generation, customer communications and delivery note management.
Moreover, the advantages of this technology are not only “democratic”, but also cross-cutting, as they materialize in several or even all key processes at once.
16 cross-cutting benefits of document technology
1 – FLEXIBILITY. Although there is a belief that document software solutions are only useful for large companies that handle huge amounts of data, this type of document software is actually suitable for companies of any size.
This is because digital document management systems are based on flexible and scalable models that adjust to the storage needs of each company.
2 – CONFIDENTIALITY. Another aspect that discourages some companies from making the leap to document digitalization is data confidentiality. However, document software is much more secure than paper storage.
Only those people authorized by the company can access digitized documents. On the other hand, document technology allows backup copies to be made locally and, in the cloud, to prevent accidental data loss, audit information and protect it against viruses.
3 – INCREASED PRODUCTIVITY. Company employees will no longer waste time searching for documents. Document software guarantees effectiveness and efficiency in the search and retrieval of documents and files.
It also offers fast and secure access to information, reducing search and response times. And to put the icing on the cake, all of the above improves ROI.
4 – COST SAVINGS IN PAPER-BASED PROCESSES. This is self-explanatory. As paper disappears, so do the costs associated with its purchase, management, storage, and destruction.
5 – TIME SAVINGS. By storing all documentation in a single repository and following the same rules for description, creation, classification and capture, documentation is easier to find and retrieve, which streamlines tasks within the organization and for customers. In addition, digitization saves time because it avoids the process of archiving physical documents.
6 – STANDARDIZATION AND UNIFICATION. The same task can be performed in different ways depending on the person or department that carries it out, and this prevents effective measurement. With document software, procedures can be unified to do all tasks and thus quantify results.
Unifying contracts and delivery notes reduce the number of models and the complexity of the process. Forms and templates facilitate the automatic generation of these documents with the information of each customer or product. In addition, by reducing the number of contracts or delivery notes, the maintenance and reuse of designs are improved.
7 – IMPROVED PROCESSES. Automation makes it possible to control both the processes and the documents generated, which reduces processing and management times. This in turn increases workers’ efficiency and makes it possible to manage thetraceability and auditsof all the company’s processes.
8 – MORE SPACE AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE. The elimination of gigantic filing cabinets alone frees up valuable space in company premises.
9 – UBIQUITOUS ACCESS. Document software help access information from anywhere with an Internet connection. In general, unstoppable technological advances allow us to be connected at any time and place in our daily lives. The business and document worldsare no stranger to this. That is why document software is developed as a 100% digital platform to be able to adapt and meet this ubiquity requirement.
10 – ZERO RISK. Handling large volumes of paper involves the risk of accidentally losing, duplicating and damaging documents. A real drama when dealing with sensitive or restricted documentation. Document technology helps mitigate these risks by banishing paper. There is no longer any need to “spy” on employees for creating, duplicating, printing or scanning documents without control.
11 – LONG-TERM PRESERVATION OF ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS. The rise of new technologies portends a near and probable scenario: to arrive inthe office without having to carry any paperwith us and generate all documents in electronic format from the outset. However, this also raises a question: how to preserve in the long term the formats of documents that are already generated electronically. Document software guarantees that the information will be available throughout the document’s life cycle, regardless of the technological advancesthat may arise during that time.
12 – COMPLIANCE WITH DATA PROTECTION REGULATIONS. Document software implicitly enables compliance with several security regulations. For example, it is designed to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as with ISO standards related to the document description and management, including electronic documentation.
13 – SEPARATION OF FORMATS. In the document processes mentioned above, separating the format of invoices, contracts, labels, customer communications and delivery notes makes it possible to change the design and content easily. This reduces development costs and improves the corporate image. In addition, documents can be quickly adapted to the needs of each customer.
14 – TRANSPROMO. The possibility of integrating customized messages into documentsopens up a wide range of business opportunities and enhances brand visibility. This is particularly evident in the case of invoices, customer communications and delivery notes.
15 – AUTOMATIC MANAGEMENT AND DIGITIZATION. Document software allows generating barcodes, which become great allies when it comes to automatically processing digitized invoices and delivery notes.
16 – MULTI-CHANNEL DISTRIBUTION IN SEVERAL LANGUAGES. By using the same template, it is possible togenerate any type of customer communication (letters, quotes, policies) or delivery notes in different languages, and distribute them in various formats (PDF, HTML5, print) and through different channels (email, fax, internet, intranet).
About DocPath
DocPath is a leading enterprise document software company that offers its international customers the technology that allows them to complement their ERP and implement advanced Document Output Management, Customer Communications Management and document software pooling processes.
Founded in 1993, DocPath is based in Europe, USA and Latin America and is present with its Solutions in companies around the world. Among its customers there are prestigious banks and top-tier corporations, facilitating the difficult and complex task of designing, generating and distributing their business-critical documents. DocPath keeps a strong commitment to R+D+i, an area to which it allocates a large part of its revenues, and in which lies one of the keys to its success.
For more information, visit: www.docpath.com.
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