Consumers are increasingly changing their way of interacting with service providers, such as telephone companies, banks, insurance firms, etc. This is the result of the current situation worldwide, where nearly all data is accessible to everyone. Logically, competition among companies of all areas is growing, and each company aims to improve its customer support and enhance its position in the market.
A tangible example of this evolution are the thousands of mobile phone users able to sign up or cancel their mobile phone contract themselves. This means that the corresponding administrative processes must be managed by specific business applications and adequate document management software. As such, the big question is: How are these providers able to manage the enormous amount of related documentation and improve their customer support at the same time? Three actions are the answer: by speeding up internal processes, reducing costs and increasing productivity levels. But how? By implementing a document management solution that seamlessly adapts to the company´s needs.
The increasing demand for personalized data can only be met with large processes, such as high volume document generation based on dynamic data, mass printing and distribution in electronic or paper format; efficient and fluid client communication, in order to improve incident response capacity; and creation and distribution of electronic bills and other documentation.
To be able to overcome these challenges and stand out from the competition, most companies are obliged to expand their process performance levels and optimize their post-processes. However, these companies will not be up to the task without a high volume print environment able to process an ever-growing amount and variety of documents and where quality and processing speed are increasingly important.
Process optimization and technological Innovation
Optimizing processes means choosing the best method from the available options, a solution that meets all the company´s needs and provides the best quality at the lowest cost and in the shortest time. In other words, cost, quality and time are fundamental aspects to take into account when it comes to choosing the best solution to optimize your processes. Moreover, when productivity levels are involved, these three aspects are clearly interrelated. More quality probably means more costs, while a cost reduction possibly causes a drop in quality and more time. On the other hand, a reduction in time generally means less costs and, possibly, less quality.
As such, process optimization necessarily involves technological innovation in the form of a specific document management software that covers the company´s current requirements regarding document generation, distribution in electronic or paper format, printing, mass processing and automatic application of post-processes, among other features.
The Key to Success: an adequate document management system
Over the past years, document technology has evolved spectacularly in order to meet the requirements of prospective clients. These companies generally manage an enormous and growing amount of data and, as a result, opting for an adequate document management system may be the key to total success or complete failure.
Consequently, document management has ceased to be a mere archival and retrieval tool, to become an essential means for optimizing all processes related to high volume document management and related data.
The software selection process should be carried out by experts in the matter, experts who are completely aware of the company´s document managed needs, and, at the same time, have received proper advice from the provider. In general, document management providers have a Consulting Services area that designs specific corporate technology strategies upon request.
A team of experts from both companies, client and provider, should determine the ideal type of software to be implemented. The winning system should minimally provide: a wide variety of document print or electronic output formats, dynamic document composition, high volume batch printing and the option of applying post-processes, such as batch separation, organization by ZIP codes or adding enveloping marks, among other features.
André Klein
Freelance Consultant for DocPath