DocPath ZippyDocs – The logistic industry is going through important digital transformation

DocPath ZippyDocs is a software solution for logistics operators. The main purpose of this solution is providing assistance for the logistics industry in order to facilitate document delivery and handling processes. You may ask yourself: what is the main advantage of implementing ZippyDocs in your company? Its main and most immediate effect is that, it has an important impact on warehouse operations, by providing resources that accelerate how delivery documents are being prepared, and how these documents are being processed upon their return to the distribution centers.

All software similar to DocPath’s ZippyDocs software was available only for the few major international carriers, DocPath now offers this solution to every logistic company no matter their size, which is of course, a great opportunity for the entire SMB businesses.

This solution offers the possibility to perform and deliver the entire document generation process automatically through self-service stations (kiosk) or directly on mobile devices or tablets.

Another important benefit of DocPath ZippyDocs; delivery notes and incident reporting are saved and can be consulted at any time. In addition, it provides resources to automate and simplify the work so processes are handled much faster and are error-free, where employees, truck drivers and end-users receive full benefit of a solution that aims to improve all processes, how documents are being handled and, of course, to lead logistic companies to make a switch to digital transformation.

In conclusion, the benefits of implementing DocPath ZippyDocs are:

  • Long waiting queues are no longer required at the distribution center. DocPath offers the perfect solution to organize documents by carrier.
  • The forwarding agent can view and process all required documentation; delivery notes, POD, waybills, etc. on a tablet or smartphone.
  • Labels can be created automatically.
  • Once the customer has signed the delivery note on the device, then documentation is automatically saved into the database, sent to the customer, and other actions can be performed depending on their needs.
  • Keeping track of incidents on paper is no longer required, from now on everything is automated. Which, in turn, helps to protect our environment.
  • The delivery states can be checked at any time: easily verify signatures and deliveries, locations, temperatures etc.
  • It allows to organize documents according to those who have had an incident, it will offer information about the incident, the name of the customer, the date, etc. Any parameter can be recorded!

Do you want your logistics company to evolve and adapt to digital transformation? Now with DocPath ZippyDocs, you have the opportunity.