DocPath describes how it provided technological cover for a new American bank which needed a overall document software solution after merging with another bank entity.

Providing support for a new profile

As a result of a merger between U.S. banks, a new financial holding company has been created, which in turn is a subsidiary of a Spanish bank. Given this new situation, the new company has needed to modify its profile within the market, in order to create a new corporate identity to convey to its customers.

Increased presence, same infrastructure

Due to its new dimensions and branches, the bank also needed to support a larger presence, but all the while maintaining its existing infrastructure. The document solution, used to date, did not provide the necessary cover for the new size of the bank. In fact, the documents generated by these solutions were causing many problems on the platform and the team responsible for this infrastructure was receiving a high number of incidences by users.

Coexistence of old and new Branch Platform with a single solution

DocPath was able to support the old banking platform to remove the burden on the infrastructure and provide a solution that drastically reduced the support requests.DocPath was also able to support the new Web based banking platform that makes use of Web Services for communication. The integration capabilities ofDocPath meant an easy transition from one platform to the other.

DocPath analyzed the technological difficulties that the bank was having and proposed a solution. This solution succeeded and managed to reduce the number of servers that supported the branch network, from forty to five in total. This reduction solved one of the main problems in the infrastructure.

Prior to the migration to aDocPath solution, the coexistence between the old branch platform and the new one was tested and proved to be successful. It demonstrated that the ability to integrateDocPath solutions was viable. This in turn later materialized in an easy transition from one platform to another.

On the one hand,DocPath was able to offer support to the old banking platform with the intention of eliminating the overhead on the existing infrastructure. This drastically reduced the number of reported incidences sent to the team responsible for the infrastructure. In addition,DocPath implemented its software in the new Web-based banking platform that made use of the Web Services for communications.

A new banking environment

Once the migration to Web Services was completed,DocPath was able to reduce the number of servers required to support the banking platform to just two powerful servers. It also allowed local printing for workers in different branches of the bank, which made it possible for them to obtain their documents instantly in PDF format.

With these new technological features, the financial holding has managed to significantly increase its productivity and multiply the number of its branches, which are mainly located in the southeast and southwest of the United States.

Improved Customer Service

DocPath has helped the bank achieve greater productivity and give a higher quality of service to its customers by providing a technology with increased capacity for their front and back offices.

DocPath solutions have enabled a minimal impact on network traffic by reducing the traffic on the bank´s Intranet. This has optimized the sending of documents as well as the overall support in the network’s infrastructure. Lesser traffic on the Web resulted in a higher bandwidth for banking transactions and a better platform, which has enabled the company to provide a higher quality service to bank customers.

By using the design capabilities provided by theDocPath solution, the bank has been able to improve the creation of dynamic documents, in addition to adapting their forms to their new corporate image, which undoubtedly has had a positive impact on the customers´ perception of the bank.

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