- CINCO DIAS, one of Spain´s top finance magazines, has recently interviewed Julio Olivares, DocPath President and Founder, about the company´s growth trajectory and the new document software that will be launched shortly.
Suwanee (GA), December 22 2016 – As a result of the company´s uninterrupted growth in the competitive document software market, even in times of crisis, DocPath CEO Julio Olivares was interviewed by top finance magazine CINCO DÍAS last October, following up on the magazine´s 2015 interview.
DocPath´s document software products are geared towards document management environments and specifically cover the area of Output Management. Currently, the company is in the process of developing and launching a variety of products which replace previous DocPath software versions and offer clients a wide range of new and innovative functionalities, in addition to completely new document software solutions.
DocPath is, without a doubt, an excellent example of an IT company that has managed to climb to the top of the international market. How do you envision the company´s future?
More than twenty years of experience, during which the company went through an important crisis, has taught us many things and has encouraged us to focus on the development of new products. Now, with our new product offer, we are looking at the following years with great optimism and confidence.
With regard to the company´s recent advancements in document software, what challenges will you be facing over the next year and what type of projects or new document software products will be launched shortly?
As the market is constantly changing, we are forced to evolve accordingly and meet the requirements of both our current and future clients. Fortunately, we are able to address those needs thanks our broad experience in the field of document software, launching a wide range of flexible products, such as TonerMIST (for toner savings), ResourceBox (for merging different documents which may have different formats and origins) and Houston Suite (for optimized and secure document distribution). Houston Suite is a replacement software for Control-D, which has recently been sunset. In addition, we will continue creating and developing innovative and efficient solutions, as we have been doing throughout our entire trajectory.
DocPath has been developing Output Management solutions – essential for good communications with clients – for more than 20 years. Why have you specialized in that area?
It´s just a matter of strategy. Years ago, we were a very modest company with limited resources. Those types of companies should focus on a specific area, because concentrating efforts on scattered fields would have very few results. DocPath focused on document technology because it was, and still is, a relatively unexplored market, which is precisely what turned us into a leading document software provider. The market trusts us, because our Clients know that we are sector experts and our customer service is excellent.
In addition to Output Management, what other types of document software do you offer?
As a result of more than 23 years of experience in the sector, we have detected new document software needs which require specific solutions. In particular, corporate clients, which cover most of our client portfolio, need intelligent and adequately integrated solutions with centralized management and control. Our gained expertise in large and complex environments allows us to provide solutions that are highly valued by our clients.
Highlighted in the original interview:
“We will continue creating and developing innovative and efficient solutions, as we have been doing throughout our entire trajectory.”
Read the original interview in Spanish on page 5 of the digital newspaper: